March 6, 2016

The new social media network that pays you

I bet you have heard of multilevel marketing on various job posts, but you will NOT be selling Chinese herbal products from street to street, physically. The internet is a wonderful invention, especially the web 2.0; with the power of the internet, you can be at different places at the same time and cross borders virtually. In this regard, multilevel marketing has taken a completely new meaning. 

Online multilevel marketing

In the past couple of years, people were selling Chinese herbal medicine from door to door physically in what is commonly known as multilevel marketing. On the other side of the world, the Americans have employed the same strategy and they are doing it online. However, instead of selling herbal medicine they have resorted to selling advertisements from big companies.

One company by the name of Tsu, pronounced as sue, is doing so on a social media platform. They have created a similar platform to Twitter and Facebook combined it and engaged its users to drive revenue. In return for such big favour from the users, Tsu shares the revenues by deducting only 10% and distributing the remaining 90% to various users engaged in a particular content.

How is Tsu relevant to Kenyans?

When a user generates content by posting, sharing a photo, and commenting on relevant posts, in what is known as User Generated Content, Tsu serves advertisements alongside such posts. These posts, in turn, generate revenue. After Tsu pays the relevant user, e.g., a Kenyan user, he/she can withdraw the money by the time it reaches $ 100 (Ks. 10,000) through a Kenyan PayPal account. Those who do not know how to go about PayPal, I suggest you read this other blog.

You can read more detailed instructions and explanations here 

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